
Empowering women facing gender-based violence amid COVID-19 through media campaigns, Nature Human Behavior, 7 Vol no. 10 (2023): 1740-1752.

Social Media Narratives across Platforms in Conflict: Evidence from Syria, with Erin Walk, Kiran Garimella, Ahmet Akbiyik, and Fotini Christia. Forthcoming, Journal of Politics.

Working Papers

Workplace Networks and Civil Society: Evidence from Jordan, Available Upon Request

  • APSA Middle East and North Africa Section, Best Paper Award, 2023
  • APSA Education Politics Section, Best Paper Award, 2023
  • APSA Labor Politics Section, A. Philip Randolph Award for Best Graduate Student Award, 2022

Paper-Pusher or President’s Guard? State Work and Contentious Action in the Syrian Uprising, Available Upon Request

In Progress

Measuring Jordan's Tribal Communities as Nested Social Networks, with Mohamed Shedeed

Public Sector Protest in the Middle East and North Africa

`Should I get them for you?’: Extra-Instrumental Considerations when Measuring Networks in the Field

Selected Editor Reviewed

Hope and Fear in Syria, Journal of Democracy, December 10, 2024.

Refugee Commodification and Syrian Integration into Jordanian Education, Project on Middle East Political Science, Special Issue on Refugee Commodification in the Middle East, March 2024.

Transparency and Repression in Jordan’s Response to COVID-19, Project on Middle East Political Science, Special Issue on the COVID-19 Pandemic, April 2020.

Jordanians see more to worry about in their economy than Syrian refugees, Lawfare, September 2019.

What a Syrian neighborhood can teach us about the talks to end the civil war, with Dan Wilkofsky, War on the Rocks, February 2017.

U.N. Mediation in the Syrian Crisis: From Kofi Annan to Lakhdar Brahimi, with Raymond Hinnebusch, I. William Zartman, and Omar Imady, International Peace Institute, March 2016.